Green Bay Road Construction 2016

2021 Proposed Park Projects

Total Bond Request $1,575,000

Arnie Wolff Sports Complex– Parking Lot and Storm Water Management

Address: 3240 Humboldt Road

Status: In Design

Cost: $150,000

In 2017 the Parks Department bonded $310,000 to construct additional parking stalls at Arnie Wolff Sports Complex to accommodate the park users.  Park staff hired a consultant to design the parking lot along with the associated storm water management for a fee of $24,825.  This project is in the final design phase. Based on the engineer's estimate and a 10% contingency for the project, an additional $150,000 in 2021 bond funding along with the remaining 2017 funding is expected to cover the full cost of installing the additional 104 parking stalls and storm water management including a bio-retention pond.

Baird Creek Greenway – New Pedestrian Bridge

Address: Located near the parking lot on Baird Creek Road

Status: Contract Awarded

Cost: $75,000

There is a trail located in the Baird Creek Greenway that needs to be rerouted.  Historically, the trail crossed over railroad tracks but due to safety concerns from the railroad, the public is not permitted to cross the tracks where they once could.   In order to safely move users throughout the trail, there is a need to cross Baird Creek to reroute the trail.  This funding along with $100,000 that was bonded for in 2020, $105,000 in reallocated funding from other projects and a $30,000 donation from the Baird Creek Preservation Foundation will allow for users to safely travel through the Greenway.   A portion of the 2020 funding was used to hire a consultant to design.

Bay Beach Wildlife Sanctuary - Bird Aviary

Address: 1660 E Shore Drive

Status: In Design

Cost: $270,000

The Bay Beach Wildlife Sanctuary treats and harbors injured animals.  Some of the animals are not able to go back into the wild due to their injuries and their safety.  Therefore, animal enclosures like the aviary protect animals from predators which also allows for public viewing of the animals.  The bird aviary in the Bird of Prey exhibit area also allows visitors to enter into the structure along with the birds. The current aviary is old and in need of replacement.  This funding will be used to create a new habitat for the birds including water features and exhibit for the public. In 2019 the Parks Department received $100,000 to design and construct the aviary.  With this funding, the City has contracted with a consultant for the cost of $35,000 to design the structure and has found that the cost to construct the project is more than originally anticipated.  The 2021 funding request along with the remaining $65,000 from the 2019 is expected to cover the full cost of the project.

Bay Beach Wildlife Sanctuary – Additional Parking for the Nature Center

Address:1660 E Shore Drive

Status: In Design

Cost: $800,000

With the recent opening of the Nature Center's 4k/rental space addition, there is a need to expand the area of parking to accommodate the additional users that will be using the new facilities.  In 2020 $400,000 was bonded to expand the parking lot.  With this funding a consultant has been hired to address storm water management.   Expanding off of the existing parking lot will require bringing the existing parking lot up to code.   Therefore, additional funding will be needed to bring the existing lot up to code and to implement the storm water management.

Colburn Park – Ballfields Phase 1

Address: 1025 S Fisk Street

Status: Contract Awarded

Cost: $55,000

The little league program in Green Bay is thriving.   There has been a desire for a number of years from the user groups to locate a tournament facility with 4 ballfields on the west side of Green Bay.  Colburn Park is the only park on the west side large enough to accommodate this request.  There are two little league fields already in place that will remain.  This funding will be used to convert one baseball field into two little league fields, install storm water management and expand the parking lot to accommodate the new ballfield.  In 2019 the Parks Department bonded $350,000 towards the construction of the development.  Since that time, the City has hired a consultant to design the storm water management for the development for a fee of $28,800.  The design is in the final stages and the engineer's estimate with a 10% contingency is showing the total cost of the project being more than originally anticipated.

Finger Road – Ballfield Complex Facilities

Address: 3385 Finger Road

Status:In Design

Cost: $50,000

The Finger Road Ballfield Complex is used primarily for girl's youth and high school softball.  There has been a desire for a number of years from the Optimist Club of Green Bay to install a concession stand with restrooms at the complex.   Due to the fact that the site is a landfill, there were restrictions that did not allow for the development of the site to accommodate that request.  Recently, the City was granted permission to install a concession stand with restrooms on the site.  This funding will be used to get utilities to the proposed building.  In 2020 the Parks Department bonded $150,000 towards the project.   The Optimist Club of Green Bay will be funding the installation of the slab and concession stand/restroom building.

Triangle Sports Area – Tube Conveyor Belt Lift

Address: 500 Beverly Road

Status: In Design

Cost: $175,000

There is currently a tow rope with fasteners at Triangle Sports Area that brings users of the sledding hill from the bottom of the hill to the top of the hill.  This system is problematic at times so there is a desire to install a different type of system that is safer for users.  The new system will be similar to a conveyor belt to bring users to the top of the hill safely.

Total Bond Approved: $775,000

Address: 3385 Finger Road
Cost: $150,000

The Finger Road Ballfield Complex is used primarily for girl's youth and high school softball. There has been a desire for a number of years from the Optimist Club of Green Bay to install a concession stand with restrooms at the complex. Due to the fact that the site is a landfill, there were restrictions that did not allow for the development of the site to accommodate that request. Recently, the City was granted permission to install a concession stand with restrooms on the site. This funding will be used to get utilities to the proposed building. The Optimist Club of Green Bay will be funding the installation of the slab and concession stand/restroom building.

: 500 Beverly Road
Cost: $95,000

There is a trail located in the Baird Creek Greenway that needs to be rerouted. Historically, the trail crossed over railroad tracks but due to safety concerns from the railroad, the public is not permitted to cross the tracks where they once could. In order to safely move users throughout the trail, there is a need to cross Baird Creek to reroute the trail. This funding along with a $30,000 donation from the he Baird Creek Preservation Foundation will allow for users to safely travel through the Greenway.

: 1660 E Shore Drive
Cost: $30,000

The Observation Building roof is in need of replacement. This funding will allow for the installation of new asphalt shingles on the roof of the building.

: 1660 E Shore Drive
Cost: $50,000

This funding will allow for necessary security upgrades for the Nature Center and 4k/Rental Space addition.

: 1660 E Shore Drive
Cost: $400,000

With the recent opening of the Nature Center's 4k/rental space addition, there is a need to expand the area of parking to accommodate the additional users that will be using the new facilities. This funding would allow for approximately 50 new parking stalls.

Cost: $50,000

Park staff has recently applied for grant funding from the Department of Transportation for two projects. These projects include the installation of a section of the East River Trail "Missing Link" and expanding the Sergeant Benjamin Edinger Corridor/ West Side Trail. The Missing Link is a 1 mile section of trail that will connect the existing East River and Fox River Trails. In addition to the proposed trail connection, project improvements include easy access to the East River, gathering spaces, storm water management, trail lighting and eventually art. The West side trail is currently only .7 miles short from connecting to the regional Mountain-Bay State Trail in the Village of Howard. Funding for this project would include the engineering and construction costs needed to install the trail to connect to Howard's portion of the trail. This funding would cover the required 10% match required to fund the projects if awarded the grant funding.

Address: 1025 S Fisk Street
Status: In Design
Cost: $350,000

The little league program in Green Bay is thriving.  There has been a desire for a number of years from the user groups to locate a tournament facility with 4 ballfields on the west side of Green Bay.  Colburn Park is the only park on the west side large enough to accommodate this request.  There are two little league fields already in place that will remain.  This funding will be used to convert one baseball field into two little league fields.

Address: 1025 S Fisk St
Status: In Design
Cost: $300,000

The ballfield parking lot at Colburn Park is in need of replacement.  Along, with replacing the current lot, the parking area will be expanded to accommodate the additional users that will be using the new ballfields.

Address: 1660 E Shore Drive
Status: In Design
Cost: $100,000

The Bay Beach Wildlife Sanctuary treats and harbors injured animals.  Some of the animals are not able to go back into the wild due to their injuries and their safety.  Therefore, animal enclosures like the aviary protect animals from predators which also allows for public viewing of the animals.  The bird aviary in the Bird of Prey exhibit area also allows visitors to enter into the structure along with the birds. The current aviary is old and in need of replacement.  This funding will be used to create a new habitat for the birds and exhibit for the public.

Address: 1025 S Fisk Street
Status: In Design
Cost: $80,000

The hockey rink at Colburn Park is in need of an update.  This project will fund the necessary improvements for the hockey rink.   As part of the project, the hockey rink and general ice rink will be relocated to create more usable open space for the baseball users and ballfield improvements.

Address: 442 Alpine Drive
Status: Completed
Cost: $50,000

Pickleball is a growing sport within the Green Bay Community.  Edison Park currently has 8 pickleball courts with portable nets that are located within the same footprint as the 4 tennis courts.  This funding will allow for the conversion of 2 of the tennis courts to be converted into 6 pickleball courts with permanent nets.  The newly renovated courts will be used to facilitate tournaments.  The Packerland Pickleball Players have generously donated an additional $10,000 to help fund the project.


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